Sunday 30 August 2015

USC Term 3 Inquiry iBooks

Here are our 'in progress' iBooks. The children have been working hard to produce a book showing their learning around sustainability and 'flash trash'. Enjoy...

Room USC's iBook

This terms inquiry is 'Flash Trash'. USC have been focusing on the God of Cultivated Foods 'Rongo'. We talked about ways that we could change our sustainable practice in order to help our God. These are our ideas.

GOOS Boxes

Awesome power of 'action' this week by Heidi and Adwoa who stayed on Friday after Enviro had finished and got all the GOOS boxes done and delivered to the classrooms.

GOOS stands for 'good on one side'. Goos boxes are for paper that is good on one side, that can be used for scrap paper therefore saving the child or teacher reaching for a new piece of paper.

A great start to reducing the amount of paper wasted at Lincoln Primary School.

Friday 21 August 2015

Room 8 iBooks

As promised here are 2 of Room 8's amazing iBooks about local Maori Myths and Legends. Thanks for letting me share them. I have also added some of the amazing illustrations that have been done to accompany the iBooks.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Another Yarrs Flat Movie

Thanks to Dineli for producing this iMovie about our recent trip to Yarrs Flat. We are all looking forward to heading out there again soon.

Our Amazing Assembly

Today in our Syndicate 1 and 1 assembly a variety of items were shared. These items all had an Enviro theme. It was great to see the variety and depth of learning that is happening around sustainability. Here is USA's work around reducing our carbon footprints...
Team 3 shared their iMovie about their time with Sharon from 'Waste Busters' And USB shared their understandings about sustainability. There iMovie will be added soon. I'm super proud of all the amazing work Lincoln Primary School is doing to empower children to live more sustainable lives.

Sunday 16 August 2015

A look at Yarrs Flat architectural landscape plan

On Friday Bella, Gwen, Callum, Maddi, Mrs Butcher, Kirsty from DOC and myself headed to the School of Landscape Architecture to have a look at the plan for our site at Yarrs.

It was great to see the vision and we are all very excited about our first planting day now that we know what it is going to look like. We have some ideas about how we might be able to replicate the plantings at Lincoln Primary which will bring a little bit of Yarrs to us.

If you are interested in seeing the site for yourself and making a difference there is a community planting day on Saturday the 12th of September.

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Saturday 15 August 2015

Well done Room 8

Great to see the myths of New Zealand taught and recreated by our children in room 8. They shared these with USB and turned them into ibooks.

I am very impressed with the quality of illustrations and detail in the retelling. Well done!

Here are some images, I will add the ibooks soon.

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Thursday 13 August 2015

Yarrs Flat Movie

Here is one of our amazing videos from our trip to Yarrs Flat. Thanks Andrea, Lexie and Ellie.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Our vision map

Today we brainstormed ideas to be put up on our vision map. These are things that we want to see happening at LPS. Great to get our vision map reinvigorated.


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